Air conditioning tutorial

/Air conditioning tutorial

How to choose air conditioning for the office

Appropriate working conditions greatly improve employee productivity. A comfortable temperature makes staff more focused on their duties and more motivated to achieve the expected results. How to choose air conditioning for office rooms so that it meets the expected functions? What should you pay attention to when choosing an air conditioner for the office? The office air conditioning market offers a wide selection of air conditioners, [...]

How to choose air conditioning for the office2024-04-22T22:33:11+02:00

Where to install the heat pump

Heat pumps are extremely popular devices that are increasingly used in Polish homes for heating rooms and preparing domestic hot water. If you are planning to install a heat pump, you are probably wondering whether the building meets the appropriate conditions for its installation. Today we will talk about where to install a heat pump. Heat pumps are constantly gaining in popularity. They are the perfect solution [...]

Where to install the heat pump2024-03-25T16:35:29+01:00

How an air heat pump works

Air source heat pumps are a versatile solution for many types of heating installations. How do heat pumps work? Can they be used in existing houses? Do these devices require connection to electricity? You will find the answer to all these questions in our article. The popularity of heat pumps in Poland is constantly growing. These devices offer cheap thermal energy. Their advantage is [...]

How an air heat pump works2024-02-20T12:03:00+01:00

How much energy does a heat pump use?

Heat pumps are constantly gaining popularity among people looking for solutions for ecological and economical home heating. How does this device work? How much electricity does a heat pump use? What should you pay attention to when buying a heat pump for your home? And when is it profitable to install such a device? What is a heat pump? A heat pump is a device that uses [...]

How much energy does a heat pump use?2024-01-26T14:34:05+01:00

Heat pump inspection – what is it?

Heat pumps are constantly gaining in popularity. These devices, although characterized by high reliability, require systematic technical inspections. When should the heat pump be serviced? What does a heat pump inspection include? And how much does a heat pump technical inspection cost? Ecological heat pumps, thanks to their energy efficiency, low operating costs and comfort of use, have become an extremely popular source of heat in [...]

Heat pump inspection – what is it?2023-12-27T15:13:09+01:00

Selection of a heat pump for a heating system based on radiators

Which heat pump should you choose for a central heating system based on traditional radiators in a building? Can replacing a conventional boiler be economically effective? And when will modernizing heating using an air heat pump make sense? You will learn about all this in our article. Replacing a boiler fired with traditional fuel (e.g. coal or wood) with a pump heating [...]

Selection of a heat pump for a heating system based on radiators2023-12-01T11:52:17+01:00

Central heating - building a system in the house

The heating installation is one of the basic systems in every apartment, house, commercial or public facility. It ensures thermal comfort during the colder periods of the year. What is central heating? What is the division of central heating installations? Check which heating installation will work best in your apartment, house and other buildings where [...]

Central heating - building a system in the house2023-10-26T12:49:35+02:00

Installation of air conditioning in a block of flats

Do you want to enjoy optimal thermal conditions in your apartment at any time of the year? Decide to install air conditioning in your block of flats! In our guide you will find information on what conditions must be met to install air conditioning in your apartment. Can you install air conditioning in a block of flats? Air conditioning in a block of flats is a popular solution to the problem of high temperatures in the summer season. They tease [...]

Installation of air conditioning in a block of flats2023-09-26T14:30:08+02:00

Symbols on air conditioning - we explain what they mean

Controlling the air conditioner is very easy - just use the remote control, which has defined buttons to operate the device, allowing you to easily and quickly obtain the optimal temperature in the room on hot days and colder periods of the year. What functions can you find on the air conditioner remote control? Discover our quick guide to the markings on the air conditioning remote control and use [...]

Symbols on air conditioning - we explain what they mean2023-08-25T10:33:23+02:00

How many degrees to set the air conditioning in the house

How to effectively use air conditioning when it's hot outside? What should be the comfortable temperature in the house for everyone to feel good? And is it enough to lower the supply air temperature to make all users satisfied with the air conditioning? At what temperature to set the air conditioning in the house The answer to the question of how to set the air conditioning temperature is not clear. In general, experts encourage [...]

How many degrees to set the air conditioning in the house2023-07-24T10:05:41+02:00

Installation of air conditioning
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